
·True package identification

Some friends often before buy to real leather bag, purse, card bag, bag, a driver's license key pack will put forward question - is it real leather? Even the occasional friends after receipt of the goods will put forward question.

First of all, what I have to explain a bit, Macao poem lai shop merchandise page description is leather/kraft, that must be the leather/kraft, normal sellers will not artificial leather goods as leather goods, take credit to joke. Of course, love your neighbour, but prevent the heart of man is not to be less. Below I teach you some how to identify real leather simple method.
How to identify real leather bag (real leather discrimination method) - water - a Hawaiian of love how to identify real leather bag (real leather discrimination method) - water - a Hawaiian of love how to identify real leather bag (real leather discrimination method) - water - a Hawaiian of love how to identify real leather bag (real leather discrimination method) - water - a Hawaiian of love how to identify real leather bag (real leather discrimination method) - water - a Hawaiian of love
A, see cortical surface. Real leather surface has a clear pore, decorative pattern, cowhide pore fine and dense, show irregular arrangement, cortex is bright and clean; Cattle skin have a well-balanced pores, yak skin has a rough and sparse pore, goat leather have been pores. Of course, shave leather with natural leather surface made a "cosmetic", this kind of leather almost lost the original surface state, it is not easy to see the pores. Although the imitation leather technology is advanced, but the pore is very regular, still can distinguish is artificial imitation leather.

Second, see cortical to receive an edge to cross section. You can put the cow leather bags, wallets cortex to receive an edge to interpret look, cortex receive edge section can see some concourse, dermal cortex is loose drainage, animal fiber, and artificial leather is relatively close, no fiber. Is again good imitation leather, accept and also along the edge of can't do the same with leather.
Three, fingers press leather surface. The skin with finger press, the surface will be fine wrinkles, when fingers up, wrinkles disappear immediately is genuine leather. Artificial leather and synthetic leather is no wrinkles, individual press have wrinkles, also won't obvious disappear naturally.

Four, with his nails device cortical surface. Device out nails trace and soon disappeared and restorable is leather, cannot restore or a long time to recover is false skin.

Five, smell the smell of the skin. Leather and the false skin can also through the smell to distinguish, really skin obviously have a kind of animal to flavor, and false leather relatively speaking, while in more to stimulate the plastic taste. Although some leather have also been hairdressing, add some other substances, but there are still animals of the smell of.
Of course, conditional friends can use some precision instrument to cortical surface and the side section observation and analysis, also can through the cortex of the ingredients of the chemical analysis. What need reminds is shave leather, second skin, special effect leather bag, purse, made of key card bag, bag and so on goods, it also has some non dermal component elements.

If you don't believe me teaching method, or you could not identify dermal true and false, can please really one of one to help identify, remember must find really one of the goods, or harm set, harm get. You can also find countries recognized testing institutions appraisal. If you begin to friends, or even authoritative examination organization distrust of words, in fact, you also have no what can trust the.

Identify dermal needs certain experience, sometimes old buyers will mistake. No matter you mistaken someone else, or lack of recognition knowledge, or friend beside the nonsense. You should understand that a scientific testing methods, to speak and objective evaluation.

Real leather bag is very delicate, easy to scratch; Take it seriously leather bag mildewy, shoe polish dry, hit again brigitte bi and other nursing agent; When the top row a ball-point pen mark, can be used for cleaning milk; From age points, hide what three layer? What are the characteristics? Hide can be divided into small, medium, old

Comparing different skin block, a leather products, such as leather, fur clothing or leather shoes, rarely is the whole piece of leather production, so we can see different small leather block, leather, each a small piece of texture of the same possibility is very small, artificial leather every piece of texture are the same; See the reverse side of the leather, artificial leather usually have the chemical fiber

In buy leather bag, often all don't know what is the dermis, and leather also separate layer of skin and second skin, you know how to respectively? Dermal true and false distinction: leather is animal epidermal stripping down after after chemical treatment is made, and the false skin (mainly PUPVC) is to use chemical fiber cloth by

1, how to identify leather touch: use hand touch leather surface, such as a smooth, soft, plump, elastic feeling is leather;

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