1, to businesses operating imitation goods experience is rich enough?
The many varieties of fake goods, involving the identification of parts of many, such as fabric, needle and thread, metal, workmanship, leather, flowers, beautiful, right or wrong, and so do not have the experience, the seller is not possible to provide high quality LV bag package, how about those who have just started selling LV bag merchants, their ability to identify a limited, how to be able to know the product is good or bad, although they did not to deceive consumers mean, but it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the product, but also will so that you buy not very desirable products. Olivier triple leather the old imitation goods seller, has many years of experience in the sales of fake goods, followed by Taiwan A cargo magnate into line, the imitation goods involved in every detail, are well aware.
2, product descriptions, pictures, size enough real
Internet sales of fake goods businesses far more than ten million, large and small, half-truths have everything our valued consumers want to find a reassuring businesses really a little is not easy. You can carefully to see Orly triple leather goods descriptions, pictures, these are hard originality of our employees, we according to the characteristics of the product it detailed description of these are true, the maximum guarantee the true degree of the product. You can put these descriptive text into the search engine search, we believe that there will be a lot of sites have the same content, copy Orly triple leather website content you should be careful, although they use the description but may not be able to provide similar products, this is the product descriptions, pictures are not enough real, there is a lot of deception.
3, LV official website to check the product picture
Currently strange method of identifying fake goods, the most authoritative or most standards, it should be genuine imitation goods LV counters to compare the higher-quality imitation like. Careful comparison of this point to buy the the LV genuine users have a lot of advantages, you can buy the same products carefully compare the LV House of product delivery, cash on delivery, you can be delivered to your door difference too, can return. If there is no the LV price of users, you can go to LV official website compare product images carefully those on other details of the plan, certainly be able to find out the difference here.